A new approach to haptic rendering of guidewires for use in minimally invasive surgical simulation


D. Huang et al., “A new approach to haptic rendering of guidewires for use in minimally invasive surgical simulation,” Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, vol. 22, no. 2-3, pp. 261–268, 2011.


  author = {Huang, D. and Tang, W. and Wan, T. R. and John, N. W. and Gould, D. and Ding, Y. and Chen, Y.},
  title = {A new approach to haptic rendering of guidewires for use in minimally invasive surgical simulation},
  journal = {Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds},
  volume = {22},
  number = {2-3},
  publisher = {John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.},
  issn = {1546-427X},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cav.417},
  doi = {10.1002/cav.417},
  pages = {261--268},
  year = {2011}


   Doi: 10.1002/cav.417